Wants to be Young for ever?

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Eat 2 AMLA (Indian Goose Berry) everyday.

Aging is the accumulation of changes (physical, psychological, and social changes) in a person over time. Anti-aging is the term used to slower down the process of ageing in the cells of the body. 

This Anti Aging concept is described under a separate section in Ayurveda known as Rasayana Chikitsa. Various procedures and herbs having anti aging properties are described. 

Ayurveda counters the aging and its allied ill-effects with three pronged approach. 

First it recommends the countering of aging and its adverse effects by use of Vayasthapak drugs (age stabilizers) and the second approach is to rejuvenate the aged body by Jeevneeya drugs (vitalisers) and the third approach is Jarachikitsa i.e. Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvenating process and formulations). 

Among all Anti aging herbs mentioned in Ayurveda AMALAKI is said to be the BEST. 

It works as Immunomodulator, Antioxidant and Antistress agent. It will improve immunity, prevents diseases, reduce wrinkles, increases skin tone and lustre, Imparts glow to the skin and turns the hair to black. No need of hair dyes.

How to Use: Consume 2 fresh Amla fruits every day / 1tsp Amla powder with honey.

So Start using Amla everyday be Young for ever……………………DR SATISH KUMAR.

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