Why a warm breakfast is good for your health as per Ayurveda

While many people prefer cold breakfast options to warm, Ayurveda recommends one to have warm breakfast. Here's why. A warm breakfast helps in digesting the food

Do you like to have your cereal with icy cold milk or yoghurt, or is it cut fruits that give your mornings a much-needed start? While many people prefer cold breakfast options to warm, Ayurveda recommends having warm food as first meal of the day to rev up digestive system.

According to Ayurveda, a warm breakfast in the morning is important to prepare the body for digesting the biggest meal of the day – lunch. The ancient medical practice considers Sun as the source of our metabolism and considering it shines the brightest between 12 to 2 pm, it is considered the ideal time to have lunch.

At the beginning of the day, the metabolism needs a gentle kickstart and a warm breakfast helps in digesting the food better and prepare your gut for the day ahead.

What cold breakfast does to our digestive system

“Having a cold breakfast is more like pouring water on a burning fire which will blow it off rather than helping it burn. Hence Ayurveda suggest having warm and light breakfast like freshly cooked porridge, stewed fruits (apple/pears), different chillas (pancakes), boiled legumes (moong, chickpeas for the people who exercises) or just boiled vegetable soup,” advises Dr Bhavsar.

Read Full Article : https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/why-a-warm-breakfast-is-good-for-your-health-as-per-ayurveda-101640501386605.html

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