A step towards wellness
Being well is everybody’s wish. An individual’s state of wellness can contribute a lot to himself, to his family and to the society as well....
Being well is everybody’s wish. An individual’s state of wellness can contribute a lot to himself, to his family and to the society as well....
Ayurved is an age old door to achieve a healthy life. As we all know Health is the Wealth, but in today’s Modern Life style...
Abstract Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder characterized by insulin resistance which in turn leads to elevated levels of androgens, anovulation, amenorrhea...
Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is made in the pancreas and the glands that make saliva. When the pancreas is diseased...
General Description about Banti’s Syndrome Banti syndrome is a disorder of the spleen, the large, gland-like organ in the upper left side of the abdomen that...
C-reactive protein (CRP) is produced by the liver. The level of CRP rises when there is inflammation throughout the body. It is one of a...
— The relevance of Ayurveda in present day health care system — Part – 1 “Soyam Ayurveda shashwato...
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), commonly known as Tulsi, is considered the most sacred herb in India. This herb is known to possess potential disease-protective properties....
Ayurveda advises fruit consumption in accordance with season and climate. Seasonal fruits always aids in easy digestion and assimilation.They immediately turn into rasa (nutritional fluid) — the...
It’s always cute to see your tiny baby in bath tubs. Most babies love to bath. This article is all about giving bath to your...