We all are well aware of the fact that exercising is good for our body, mind and soul. Ideally, a person should exercise for 30 minutes every day to stay healthy and fit. But when there are plenty of options available out there, it is normal to get confused. We normally choose the exercise we find interesting, but Ayurveda recommends to do the other way.
As per the traditional Indian system of medicine, you should choose the exercise as per your dosha. Doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. There are three kinds of dosha -Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Performing exercises as per your dosha will help to create a balance between your mind and body.
Vata Dosha
Vata is composed of air and space element. People with this body type are naturally energetic and love to exercise. They enjoy fast-paced workouts like dancing, cardio, running. However, people belonging to this category have a smaller body frame, weak digestive system and have a lower weight. So they need to slow down and balance their energy. Vata people have a hard timing gaining weight and need to pay more attention to building bones and muscles. Vata dominant people should focus on your form rather than the speed.
What to do: Lunges, squats, resistance band training are good for Vata people. Yoga and low-intensity exercises are also excellent options.
Pitta Dosha
Pitta is linked with fire and people falling in this category have warm body temperatures, strong stamina and average stature. They are generally athletic by nature and prefer exercises that push their bodies’ limits. Boot-camps, boxing, Crossfit and weight lifting exercises are their favourite. But to counterbalance their energy, people belonging to this category should do non-competitive and relaxing workouts. Apart from this, Pittas are generally hot by nature. So, they should not perform exercises at a hot and humid place. This will throw your Pitta energy way out of wack.
What to do: Yin yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Walking are some of the best exercises for you. Perform medium pace and moderate-intensity exercises.
Kapha Dosha
Kapha is composed of water and earth elements. Kapha people have bigger frames, have great physical strength, but they are lazy and gain weight easily. It is quite difficult to motivate people belonging to this section. They should try fast-paced exercises to stay healthy and fit. Kapha dominant people have the highest endurance of all the doshas and can perform any exercise for a longer period of time.
What to do: Tabata, HIIT, Plyometrics, Zumba and cardio exercises are good for Kaphas. Group activity is the best option as it keeps them motivated.
Source : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/weight-loss-5-times-it-is-alright-to-skip-the-gym/photostory/72761143.cms