Anupana is one of the unique concepts of Ayurveda which plays an important role in the treatment. Anupana is that material which is consumed along with food or medicine. It can increase the palatability of the food or medicine, can improve the digestion and absorption and also act as a vehicle which carries the drug to their target site.
The word Anupana is formed by ‘Anu’ and ‘Pana’
Anu means after, along with, near to. And Pana means drink.
All referencesof Anupana points towards the importance of Anupanain treatment and its action on the body. The probable mode of action of
Anupana is, it is administered along with the Dravyaand it reaches the blood stream. Due to its Vyavayiand Vikashiguna, it reaches thespecific target tissueand acts accordingly.
Anupana is that which is administered at proper time and in prescribed method along with or after Ahara or Aushadha to obtain proper results.Anupana not only cures thedisease with themain medicine but also enhances the action of it by producing quick actio.It can also reduce the Teekshnatva of themain drug.Incase of Ahara, Anupana can nullify the side effects if presentand also canimprove the processof digestion.Therefore, the selection of proper Anupana for Ahara and Aushadha is important forthe maintenance of health and for curing diseases.
Acharya sharangadharahas mentioned thatwhen medicine isadministered along with anupana, the medicine spread all over the body rapidly as a drop of oil spreads over water very quickly. So anupana is helpful for easy absorption of drugs in the body. Proper anupan brings refreshment of body quickly and helps in easy digestion resulting in promotion of longevity, strength, pleasure, softening and liquefying of medicine, digesting, assimilation and instant diffusion of medicine.
Yogaratnakar wrote that anupana of any medicine are responsible factor for minimizing the drug dose and to get synergetic effect. If there are some toxic or adverse effect manifested by Ayurvedic formulation, it can be subsided by the influence of adjuvant and drug dose can be minimized.
Role of Anupana in Aushadhisevana
Action of the medicine will be properly channelized.
Bulk promoter- where dosage form is too small there it helps to increase bulk
Helps the drug to reach target tissue from the site of administration and assists aushadhis to get specific action there by helps in dispensing medicine.
With the help of anupana compact molecules of aushadi will be disintegrated and hence get absorbed very quickly.
Inorganic-metallic complex compounds are made easy inaccepting by body by using anupana.
Though aushadhis have multiple diseases curing property, anupana takes medicine to the right pathway and helps in getting desired action. Aushadhis will attain qualities of anupana and act accordingly.
Change of anupana causes change of drug action.
It is known to counteract the tikshnata, ugrata, kashayata, tiktata or any other undesirable property of the drug with which it is given. E.g. bhallataka along with milk: opposite viryaushna andsita. Shunthi alongwith milk: oppositegunatikshna and snigdha. Panchatiktakashaya withsugar: opposite rasatikta and madhur. Mahasudharshanachurna with honey: opposite rasa tikta and madhur
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