Green colour denotes nature and balance. So let us explore the health and nutritional benefits of green coloured foods.
What they contain:
Green colour foods get their colour sue to a pigment present in them known as chlorophyll. Besides, they are also rich in vitamin K, lutein, zeaxanthin, phytochemicals like indoles and glucosinolates and iron, potassium.
Health Benefits:
1. Chlorophyll:
This colour giver for green foods has many healing and medicinal properties. It helps in cleaning blood and thus, enhances the oxygen transportation throughout the body. It possesses great detoxifying properties. Besides, it is rich in amino acids, enzymes that promote cell rejuvenation, fights infection and helps break addictions.
2. Vitamin K:
This vitamin is essential for blood clot, thus, it avoid unnecessary blood loss. It also helps in building strong bones and tissues.
3. Lutein and zeaxanthin
Both these elements help in filtering out harmful light that can damage our eyes. Besides, it also helps to slash down the risk of heart attacks.
Best Green Foods:
Green foods include kale, broccoli, spinach, green beans, celery, lettuce, watercress, cucumber, broccoli, sprouts, green beans, peas, green apples, grapes and kiwi fruit.
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