Plants showing effect to control blood glucose levels

According to the World Health Organization, up to 90% of population in developing countries use plants and its products as traditional medicine for primary health

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According to the World Health Organization, up to 90% of population in developing countries use plants and its products as traditional medicine for primary health care. There are about 800 plants which have been reported to show antidiabetic potential. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 90% of the population in developing countries uses plants and its products as traditional medicine for primary health care. The WHO has listed 21,000 plants, which are used for medicinal purposes around the world. Among these, 2500 species are in India. There are about 800 plants which have been reported to show antidiabetic potential . A wide collection of plant-derived active principles representing numerous bioactive compounds have established their role for possible use in the treatment of diabetes.

Anti diabetic property of Salacia reticulata:

Studies have indicated that aqueous extracts when administered to type II diabetic subjects effectively control blood glucose levels and do so without adverse effects. Furthermore, blood lipids are also modulated. In addition, tissue damaging glycosylation reactions involving elevated glucose levels are also decreased as indicated by lowered levels of HbA1c.

Anti diabetic property of Terminalia arjuna

Free radicals and associated oxidative stress induced by alloxan are implicated in eliciting pathological changes in diabetes mellitus. Terminalia arjuna bark, an indigenous plant used in ayurvedic medicine in India, primarily as a cardiotonic is also used in treating diabetes.The bark extract of Terminalia arjuna possesses potent antidiabetic activity.

Anti diabetic property of Hemidesmus indicus

Aqueous extract of the roots of H. indicus at a dosage of 500 mg/kg/day exhibits significant antidiabetic activity. It restores the concentrations of electrolytes, glucose metabolizing enzymes.H. indicus could be used as an antidiabetic and antioxidant agent for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Anti diabetic property of Indian kino tree

Indian kino tree is known for its antidiabetic activity. It is reported to have not only hypoglycemic property but also β-cell protective and regenerative properties, effects which have been attributed to the flavonoid content in the plant. Complete restoration of normal insulin secretion and regeneration of beta cells have been reported 

Anti diabetic property of Syzygium cumini

Syzygium cumini bark decoction is used in treating diabetes mellitus in Ayurveda medicine. These plant phenolic compounds have proven antioxidant and antiglycation activities through which they can mediate their antidiabetic effects.


Anti diabetic property of Arjuna 

Anti diabetic property of vengakathal 

Anti diabetic property of ekanayakam 

Anti diabetic property of Jamun

Anti diabetic property of njaval

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