Case Report
20 year old male
Swelling since 10 years
Painless, slowly increasing in size.
No other ENT/General symptoms
O/E: 5×3 cm, soft, cystic, non tender, fluctuant,non transilluminant & superficial to mylohyoid muscle. No movement with deglutition & tongue protrusion.
Oral cavity: No bulge in the floor of the mouth.
Rest of ENT examination: Normal.
Routine Blood & Urine: Normal.
F.N.A.C: Inconclusive.
Clinical Diagnosis
Sub Lingual Dermoid
Thyroglossal Cyst
Excision under LA.
External approach.
Swelling was well encapsulated & part of the swelling was found extending deep to mylohyoid.
No tract/attachment to hyoid.
To our surprise, the HPE report was suggestive of Thyroglossal cyst.
D/D for midline neck swellings
Ludwig’s Angina.
Sub mental Lymphadenitis.
Sublingual Dermoid.
Lipoma in the sub mental region.
Sub hyoid bursitis.
Thyroglossal cyst.
Thyroid nodule on the isthmus.
Pretracheal & prelaryngeal lymphadenitis.
Suprasternal space swellings.
Retrosternal goitre.
Thymus swelling.
Sub Lingual Dermoid
Sub Lingual Dermoid
Sequestration dermoid, often bigerminal.
Congenital but seen between 10-20 years.
7% of the Dermoids are seen in H&N of which only 6.5% are sublingual.
Derived from the entrapment & subsequent growth of epithelial cells during the midline fusion between the 1st & 2nd branchial arches in 3rd & 4th week of embryonic life.
Sub Lingual Dermoid
Lined by squamous epithelium with skin appendages, contains thick cheesy sebaceous material but no hair.
D/D: Ranula,Cystic hygroma,Thyroglossal cyst & branchial cleft cyst.
Treatment is excision by intraoral/external approach.
Thyroglossal Cyst
Commonest congenital neck mass in children.
A tubuloembryonic dermoid arising from thyroglossal tract/duct.
Age:15-30 years
90% in the midline.10% to one side of which 95% are to left, over the thyroid cartilage.
60.9% are subhyoid.24.1% supra hyoid,12.9% sublingual & 2.1% are intra lingual.
Thyroglossal Cyst
Thyroid tissue found in cyst wall in 45-60%.
Often asymptomatic.
Moves with swallowing & tongue protrusion
Get Thyroid scan before excision.
Sistrunk`s operation is the surgery of choice
Chances of recurrence: 4-10%