Potential implications of Ayurveda in Psoriasis: A clinical case study

Multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.


Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory condition mainly affecting the skin and joint. Its prevalence in India is about 0.44–2.8 percent. Males are being affected by psoriasis two times more common than females [1]. Various sites of the body such as scalp, face, trunk, limbs, palms, and soles involve in psoriasis. The diagnosis of psoriasis depends on tissue biopsy and distribution of skin damage. Plaque psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris), Inverse psoriasis, Guttate psoriasis, Pustular psoriasis, and Erythrodermic psoriasis are a few of the clinical patterns reported in psoriasis cases [2]. The chronic nature, recurring pattern, and visibility of psoriasis produce a great adverse impact on the psychological and social aspects of patients’ life. Psychosocial disability affects their daily work as well as social interactions. In Ayurveda, skin diseases have collectively considered under a common term of Kushtha. Most of the formulations described in Kushtha chikitsa have efficiently been used by the physicians to treat different skin ailments. However, due to the complex pathophysiology and chronic and relapsing nature of psoriasis, the multimodal treatment approach has been adopted covering the Jirnajwara chikitsa, Vatarakta chikitsa, and Rasayana chikitsa along with Kushtha chikitsa. In the present case, the multimodal Ayurveda treatment approach resulted in early recovery from psoriatic lesions with no recurrence so far.


Immune response of a human body to the uncertain factors leads to the accelerated inflammatory proliferation of the ailing cells of the skin known as Psoriasis. Although the condition found described many decades ago, the etiology and treatment look under-researched. In Ayurveda, many herbs have proven efficacy in psoriasis, but the multifaceted etiology of the disease needs a multimodal treatment approach. We report about Ayurveda treatment in a 68-year-old female patient with plaque psoriasis presented with erythematous plaques on the anterior surface of the legs, right forehand, and neck region. The Auspitz sign and Koebner phenomenon were positive. The treatment protocol was adopted as per Ayurvedic samprapti (pathophysiology) and the patient cured completely without reporting any adverse events after the one year of treatment. No recurrence observed even after one year of the halted treatment. The importance of a wholesome diet as a health promoter is also revalidated.Altogether, multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.

A 68-year-old female homemaker had been diagnosed as plaque psoriasis and was treated by a consulting dermatologist wherefrom the patient was taking allopathic treatment for three years with regular follow-ups. Topical and systemic immunosuppressive therapy was resulted in symptomatic relief during the last treatment. Personal history revealed that the patient’s general health was good. All the blood tests (routine tests) were within a normal range. No concomitant illness was found associated. However, due to a recurring pattern caused by the unknown aggravating factors, the patient discontinued allopathic treatment and consulted for Ayurveda treatment.

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Source  : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0975947620301303

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