1. Heart Health : Reduces bad cholesterol levels by burning un-necessary fats which clog the arterial walls and thereby reduces the chances of heart attacks....
1. Heart Health : Reduces bad cholesterol levels by burning un-necessary fats which clog the arterial walls and thereby reduces the chances of heart attacks....
Today Swine flu has continued to spread and cause concern throughout the world. Governments have launched massive campaigns to create awareness among the general public...
Why Do We Abruptly Wake Or Feel ill At Certain Time Of The Day ? The 24 hour clock is divided into 12 two-hour intervals...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), is a very common hormonal disorder in women. Ayurveda classifies PCOS as...
Ayurveda classifies the whole winter season in to Hemanta Ritu ( Early winter) and Shishira Ritu (Extreme winter). Nov-Dec and Dec-Jan constitutes early winter. Jan-Feb...
Bedsores They are also called as pressure sores or pressure ulcers — are injuries to skin s and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on...
Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that connects calf muscle at back of lower leg to your heal bone. Achilles tendinitis is a an overuse injury...
Scoliosis in simple is the abnormal curvature of vertebral column. A much better definition for scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spinal column from...
Karkitakam fall under the Sharat Rithu according to Ayurveda. Earlier it was a period of Famine and scarcity. During this dreadful period, people considered spiritual...
I have seen a patient of Sinus in groin operated three times and recurred again and again. Initially he was diagnosed as a case of...