Potential implications of Ayurveda in Psoriasis: A clinical case study
Multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.
Multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.
This case study demonstrates that Reiter’s syndrome can be well managed with Ayurvedic medicines.
In Ayurveda herpes can be correlated with Pittaj visarpa.
In Ayurveda this condition of Ca of Lung-Adenocarcinoma-stage-IV is can be correlated with Kshataja kasa and Kshayaja kasa at the symptomatic level
Fistula in ano is an abnormal communication between two epithelial surfaces and the track is usually lined by unhealthy granulation tissues.
Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic granulomatous inflammation of large arteries characterized by nonspecific symptoms-such as hypertension, headache, fever, etc
Effect of Ayurveda intervention, lifestyle modification and Yoga in prediabetic and type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-related disorder that affects around 422...
Background: Garlic (Allium Sativum) is ubiquitous, small and commonly used spice for processing food. There are many types of garlic and differ in shape, size,...
ABSTRACT Today’s fast and developing age blessed us with many improved life aids. But along with this today’s lifestyle given us many ailments. Hemorrhoids are...
Abstract Bordetella pertussis continues to circulate even in countries with good childhood vaccination coverage. Sporadic cases are still observed either due to no vaccination, incomplete...