Chyavanaprasam ,a time-tested formulation for Preventive, Promotive and Curative Health Benefits

Chyavanaprasam is a unique formulation and Ayurveda practitioners call chyavanaprasam an “Ageless Wonder”. The formula of chyavanaprasam is time-tested and is still effective to mitigate the present world’s health concerns. ‘It is the premier Rasayana, beneficial for allaying cough, asthma and other respiratory ailments; it nourishes the weak and degenerating tissues, promotes vigour, vitality and is anti-ageing’. As per ancient classics, regular intake of this tonic helps to attain intellect, memory, immunity, freedom from disease, endurance, improved functioning of the senses, great sexual strength and stamina, improved digestive processes, improvised skin-tone and glow, and restores/maintains the normal biofunctions of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (bodily humors/ bioenergies regulating the structure and biofunctions of the human body). The herbal and spicy ingredients of chyavanaprasam help to convalesce the circulatory system, thus channelizing the removal of the toxins from distant tissues and visceral organs. Chyawanprash is beneficial for health in several ways. It is an excellent ergogenic (enhancing physical performance), tonic, rejuvenator, anabolic, immunomodulator and promotes strength to the gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs, cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrospinal systems, neuronal circuits, and renal and reproductive tissues .
All herbal and natural products in the composition of chyavanaprasam have been well investigated and explored by the scientific community for their therapeutic vistas. It is very challenging to uncover the active phytochemicals, the rationality behind its therapeutic usage, and the underlying mechanistic role of herbal medicine by adopting contemporary scientific tools and methods. However, this does not imply that all the doctrines or beliefs in traditional medical systems which are not justifiable by scientific substantiation are irrational and non-existent. It is aptly cited in Charaka Samhita, “What is perceptible to humans is merely a petite fraction of this cosmos and what we cannot observe is far more than that, which doesn’t make that non-existent”. 
A health supplement
Rasayana, a branch of Ayurveda, includes a number of specialized approaches aimed at prolonging life, preventing aging and diseases, eliminating degenerative processes, and promoting excellent health. Of all the Rasayana formulations enumerated during the classical and medieval periods, health supplement undoubtedly stands out as the most important. It is highly appreciated for possessing multiple health benefits and addressing the preventive, promotive, and curative aspects of health.
Chyawanprash  is an Ayurvedic health supplement which is made up of a super-concentrated blend of nutrient-rich herbs and minerals. It is meant to restore drained reserves of life force (ojas) and to preserve strength, stamina, and vitality, while stalling the course of aging. Chyawanprasham is formulated by processing around 50 medicinal herbs and their extracts, including the prime ingredient, Amla (Indian gooseberry), which is the world’s richest source of vitamin C. Chyawanprash preparation involves preparing a decoction of herbs, followed by dried extract preparation, subsequent mixture with honey, and addition of aromatic herb powders (namely clove, cardamom, and cinnamon) as standard. The finished product has a fruit jam-like consistency, and a sweet, sour, and spicy flavor.
Chyawanprasham possesses multiple health benefits and has been widely used since ancient times as a health supplement and as a medicine for enhancing immunity and longevity.
A Nutraceutical and Functional food 
The term ‘nutraceutical’ was coined in 1989 by Stephen De Felice as “a food or part of a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and/or treatment of disease.” Chyawanprasham has been a consistent part of Indian tradition both as a functional food and nutraceutical for the past 5000 years
. Chyawanprasham is reported to have rich vitamin, protein, dietary fiber, energy contents, carbohydrate, low fat contents (no-trans and zero percent cholesterol), and appreciable levels of major and minor trace elements (mg/100g), such as Fe , Zn , Co , Cu , Ni , Pb , Mn , vitamin C , tannic acid , other vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and carotenoids that act as micronutrients for health-invigorating purposes. It also provides several essential phytoconstituents, namely, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, antioxidants, piperine, phenolic compounds, etc. The synergistic antioxidant effects of vitamin C along with vitamin E and carotenoids are well known. The rich nutritive composition and antioxidant biomolecules of Chyawanprasham act both singly as well as synergistically for immuno-modulation, body building, health restoration, and prevention of oxidative damage (a leading cause of several degenerative diseases) .
Preventive, Promotive and Curative Health Benefits of Chyavanaprasam 
Chyawanprash helps in better absorption of calcium and protein synthesis, thereby strengthening bones and teeth, and improving muscle tone. It also promotes growth in juveniles and helps in gaining weight. Its profound Rasayana effect due to potent herbs like Amla, Guduchi, and Ashwagandha helps to balance the body’s natural processes and modulate the neuroendocrine-immune activities. It eliminates blood impurities and acts as a natural detox . It promotes hair growth, skin complexion, cures dermal infections, and improvises personality characteristics by imparting splendor, exquisiteness, youthfulness, wisdom, vitality, and glow. In hairless mice model, Chyavanaprasam has shown a protective effect on photoaging of skin. In HeLa cells, Chyavanaprasam suppressed epidermal thickening, improved the proliferation of human keratinocytes, and effectively removed ROS (reactive oxygen species), which are liable for skin photoaging . In a study, Chyavanaprasam showed promising potential for use as an antimicrobial agent. CHCl3 as well as hydrolyzed CHCl3 extract of Chyavanaprasam showed concentration-dependent antimicrobial activity. Chyawanprasham has also shown protective effects in steroid-induced opacities in the eye lens of a chick embryo . In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on 177 subjects, Chyavanaprasam improved Hb levels consistently, irrespective of the season of its consumption, along with improvement in pulmonary function tests and immunological parameters .
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