How to tackle gas during pregnancy?

In early pregnancy, before uterus is big enough to crowd  intestines, pregnancy hormones are hard at work. The increase in progesterone slows digestion, providing more time for gas to be produced.  Body responds by removing the gas with burps and farts. This gas can also lead to a feeling of bloating, especially after a large meal. Because of enlarged uterus, the intestines are shifted and crowded in abdomen which slows down the digestion even more. 

So as a general rule, Gas during pregnancy is common and practically difficult to subside. Still there are few things that can be followed to tackle gas problems.

  • Try smaller, more frequent meals. 
  • Exercise – at least keep moving after each meals.
  • Drink plenty of water – if possible drink water boiled with cumin seeds,which improves digestion and prevents gas formation. 
  • Watch what food you eat- try to avoid food which causes gas like potatoes , corn, wheat .  Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners , carbonated drinks and fatty fried foods
  • Even broccoli, asparagus like healthy foods causes gas. Dairy products may end up in gas as well.
  • Under situations of severe gas, small piece of jaggery will help to relieve gas.
  • Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep to avoid a disturbed sleep due to gas.                                                                                                                                                                It is important to have food which provide nutrients to the developing baby as he/ she grows. Gas has nothing to do with the baby during pregnancy.

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